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Creative Evaluation &
External Facilitation

We offer our expertise in creative evaluations of projects, and external facilitation, particularly with cross-cultural groups.


We use methods that are creative, participatory and collaborative to encourage individuals to express themselves in ways that they feel comfortable and supported, always celebrating the diversity of the groups that we work with. 

Queen's House Takeover for Refugee Week


We were given the unique opportunity to takeover the Queen's House at the National Maritime Museum for Refugee Week 2024. The Queen's House had 400 more visitors over the day than usual and more diverse than a regular Sunday!


H Is For Hostile Environment

We ran a workshop at UCL around Edwin Mingard and

Keren Weitzberg's documentary film H Is For Hostile Environment


It was not easy to watch the film, seeing so many different stories that resonated with our experiences, but together we found a way to turn the H into H for Hope and we created bubbles of Hope inside baubles. The baubles we created formed part of an art exhibition for the launch of the film.

Women's Interfaith Network Workshop


We had a beautiful day planting seeds of hope with the 

Women's Interfaith Network. Thanks for inviting us to run a creative workshop around the theme of 'keeping faith', in which we explored the ways we keep faith in ourselves, in our communities and in the world around us despite our daily challenges.


Using collage and drawing, we planted individual seeds of hope that were then added to a bigger collective garden of hope, where we could see our shared commonalities. 


Count Yourself Lucky

Our Stronger Together Leaders

co-created an interactive performance, Count Yourself Lucky, that explores the barriers migrants face in accessing maternity and healthcare services. 


Thanks to NHS South East London Integrated Care System for the video and you can read their article about our work here.


Working with NHS SEL ICS

"NHS South East London has been working with Creating Ground for over a year.  Our collaboration started when the former South East London Clinical Commissioning Group commissioned Creating Ground to carry out community engagement in April and May 2022 to inform the development of the new Integrated Care System’s (ICS) Working with People and Communities Strategic Framework


Key issues that Creating Ground raised as part of this work, and which are published on the ICS website, include lack of trust of services, the difficulty migrant women face in accessing services in a complex system, as well as how migrant women are perceived.    


Raising these issues led to Creating Ground performing a short a theatre piece before the Integrated Care Board meeting in July 2023 in front of key decision makers highlighting these issues and the fact that migrant women should be seen as agents of change rather than seen as vulnerable. 

This powerful performance was well received and will hopefully lead to further collaboration with other ICS partner organisations.  You can read more and watch the film of the performance here."



(Rosemary Watts, Assistant Director of Engagement, NHS South East London)

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Commonal-ities Project

We have been commissioned by Medway Community Healthcare's Commonal-ities Project to facilitate Train the Trainer workshops, and guiding them through the process of listening to their communities to identify solutions.

Thriving Communities Evaluation Report

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We were commissioned with University of Greenwich to evaluate the impact of the Thriving Communities project on young people’s wellbeing and the partnership between the organisations involved; HER Centre, Little Fish Theatre, Live Well Greenwich and Tramshed.


Be Well Hub Event
"We commissioned Creating Ground to design and deliver creative and participatory evaluation activities for a programme evaluation. The team were fantastic and understood our brief and requirements immediately. The activities they produced and delivered were inclusive, engaging, reflective and fun, helping us to collect rich feedback and learning from 90 participants. We look forward to working with them again!"

(Hana Riazuddin, Senior Research Associate, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust)

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© 2016 Creating Ground CIC 

Creating Ground is a Community Interest Company, a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales


Registered office: 5 Luke Street, London EC2A 4PX

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