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We asked our Advisory Board members and Non-Executive Directors this question:
🌱 If Creating Ground could be anything in nature what would it be? 🌱
“A RIVER. A river is not static, it flows, moves, it changes course, transports to safety, provides shelter for some animals, it allows for freedom. Creating Ground supports migrant in all these forms and more."
(Advisory Board member, April 2024)

“I think Creating Ground would be a sunflower because it gives people the support and community to turn towards the light, even when there are dark times, and to grow tall and strong 🌻”
(Advisory Board member, April 2024)
“For me Creating Ground would be a butterfly cause I feel the women we work with are like butterflies. Butterflies’ personalities are social and influencing, they need to interact with others and they are friendly, charming, persuasive, talkative and optimistic, they are usually good leaders and can motivate others. And this is the same motivation and qualities the women at Creating Ground have. Butterflies are a symbol of transformation and hope, and are good leaders at the same time. Butterflies are the essence of nature, everybody loves them, they have a sense of beauty, freedom and peace. And our leaders are agents of positive change, everybody admires them, they are a sense of Solidarity, creativity and love ❤️”
(Advisory Board member, April 2024)
“If Creating Ground were anything in nature it would be a nest. A place tucked in the middle of a big (sometimes confusing) forest. Built from lots of different objects; art, stories, songs, colours and cultures. Creating Ground is like a nest were women can rest, come together and grow. We can grow projects, relationships and ourselves... our sense of self, of belonging, of justice.”
(Non-Executive Director, April 2024)
“I think it will be a river - our act of resilience not giving up as a river in this ever-changing flow of life with all its obstacles together, depending on each other - stronger together”
(Advisory Board member, April 2024)
“Creating Ground can be likened to the sea. Just as the sea serves as a community for different species to coexist and flourish together, Creating Ground provides a similar environment where cross-cultures can flourish together.”
(Advisory Board member, April 2024)
“Though Creating Ground is beautiful like a flower, I think we also resemble ants in one way - working hard together and thereby becoming much more than the sum of our parts.”
(Advisory Board member, April 2024)
“Tree as it moves through all the different seasons, looking different at each stage. But common factor is grounded and rooted. Building strength from ground upwards, and you don’t see the roots, which are the foundation of its strength and beauty. Leaves grow, representing adding people and activities to Creating Ground, which change over time and different seasons but at its roots, remain grounded and strong.”
(Advisory Board member, April 2024)
“A plant, because when you plant a seed, it starts to germinate/grow. Likewise Creating Ground starting from a small beginning up to how far it has come and still progressing with various creativity, community services and campaigns.”
(Non-Executive Director, April 2024)
“Creating Ground would be a river meandering through places, lives, experiences, taking from all and feeding all in a lively and fruitful exchange that nurtures and creates new ground.”
(Advisory Board member, April 2024)
“I am imagining Creating Ground as a garden, with a lot of different plants and animals, a bit of grass, some fruit trees, herbs and vegetable patches. Lots of different scents and colours.”
(Advisory Board member, April 2024)
“Creating Ground would be a tree in nature. It will offer you shadow and fresh air when you feel under pressure and will give you a warm hug when you feel cold or alone. Creating Ground like a tree will update itself to your needs to offer you the best atmosphere you need to be strong and positive.”
(Non-Executive Director, April 2024)
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