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Stronger Together

We're Officially Published Authors!

Our Stronger Together Leaders worked on co-authoring the chapter 'Migrant women resisting borders through participatory arts' for Routledge's UK Borderscapes: Sites of Enforcement and Resistance,  published in October 2023.


It was a great pleasure and honour to work on this publication!

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Our Stronger Together Leaders

Our Stronger Together Leaders are a group of women who have been on leadership journeys with us and are now experts in community organising, and in delivering bespoke training to a variety of organisations, with the shared aim of making our communities more inclusive and fair.


Interested in training with us and joining our campaign work?

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Stronger Together

The Journey

In 2020 we partnered with Citizens UK, supported by Near Neighbours to explore issues that affect many more people and communities like ours, particularly around housing and the immigration system.

Now, thanks to
Trust for London, we are continuing to work on our Temporary Accommodation campaign #NoticeUs. We are developing a good relationship and starting to work closely with Greenwich Council to ensure our asks become a reality.
We always welcome more migrant women to join us, so please if you know anyone who would benefit from being part of our Stronger Together group please email Laura at

nurture love
speak the truth
seek justice and freedom

Finding Strength Film

We are immensely proud of our short film, that was co-created by our Stronger Together group during lockdown.

We were able to creative ways to tell our stories, stories that can be extremely painful and hard to retell. 

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